Since 2006, Sifu Carmine “Tony” Colarusso has been fervently dedicated to the study of transcendent ancient Chinese internal arts. His mission is to put health, happiness, and vitality back into the hands of those he helps. To this end he has worked tirelessly to impart his knowledge, acquired from years of careful research, to assist others in developing themselves harmoniously through arts such as Zen Meditation, Chi Kung (Qi Gong), and Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan).
He has trained more than 3,000 practitioners of the inner arts, meditation, and healing in Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Perú, Spain, the United States, and Venezuela, and has given more than 420 customized workshops to groups, foundations, therapy centers and corporations.
His clients range from corporate executives to entrepreneurs who seek to reach their full potentials, increase vitality and mental clarity, acquire a strategic mind-set, and develop spiritually. He is a partner of La Montaña Azul, a retreat located in Costa Rica dedicated to achieving these goals.
"... I teach the conscious management of energy to promote health and vitality. With these two attributes we can access the knowledge of the Spirited Heart, in which the purity of the heart is indispensable ..."
Sifu Colarusso has trained with various masters from the United States, Europe, and Malaysia and is now part of the inner chamber. He was designated Master Delegate for Venezuela of the Shaolin Wahnam Institute, led by Grand Master Wong Kiew Kit. He now teaches workshops of his own, focused on the harmonious development of consciousness, in Latin America, the United States, and Europe.
Sifu Colarusso earned his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the University of Miami in 1992. He also received an Owner/President Management program degree (OPM) from Harvard Business School in 2017. He is an active member of YPO (formally Young Presidents’ Organization), the Miami-Fort Lauderdale Gold Chapter, and has held many board positions for the YPO Venezuela Chapter.
He is also the founder and president of the largest lubricant manufacturing plant in Venezuela.